Not Bad for 1995 Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, welcome to Wednesday! Sorry I didn't post one of these sooner, but…
Random Picture Just Because. Opening/Random Thoughts Hey folks, happy Friday! YEAH FRIDAY! It's a long weekend here in the States,…
Such Great Explosions Welcome to this week's episode of the podcast folks. Sorry it's a touch late, this week has…
This is Me Today Opening/Random Thoughts Hey folks, happy Wednesday! If you're wondering what the deal is with the title,…
Here's a Random Image Because This Week's Game Doesn't Deserve One. Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, welcome to Monday! If you're…
Welcome to another week of spacey gaming my friends! This week is an odd one, my friends. I was planning…
S#!t is Going Down! Opening/Random Thoughts Hey folks, welcome to Friday! Yay! I love Fridays because we get free bagels…
So Much Intrigue!! Hey friends, welcome to the first podcast of 2019!! This week, Jim, Spaz and I sit down…
That's...A Lot of Ships... Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, happy Wednesday to y'all! How's your week going? Me, I am super…
Boom Boom Boom Opening/Random Thoughts Hey folks, welcome to Monday! I'm using WordPress' new Gutenberg editor to make this post…