A Pretty Map With Plenty on It... Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, happy Wednesday! As I write this I am tiiiiired.…
I'm a Star Baby. Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, happy Tuesday. I tell y'all, I feel way more grounded today than…
Hey friends, welcome to another week of spacey gaming! This week we're starting off with the Master of Orion 2-inspired…
RUNAWAY! Opening/Random Thoughts My brain is scattered to the winds today. If you missed the big announcement, I got laid…
AIEEEEE!!! Tl;dr: Massive Amounts of Content Are Coming Your Way! What's Staying the Same - Game of the Week, One-Off…
Hey friends, welcome to another week of spacey gaming! This week's game of the week is the long-running top-down challenging…
Patches are SO Important... Welcome to this week's podcast, my friends! This week, Jim, Spaz, Hunter (welcome back!) and I…
Hey friends, and welcome to another week of spacey gaming! This week's game is even more batcrap than last week's…
So Very Important Welcome to this week's podcast, my friends! Sorry for the lateness of the post, the July 4th…
Excellent Stuff Opening/Random Thoughts Hey friends, how've you been? It's been a while since I did one of these, and…